Javelin Throw Practice Design

Training for the javelin is different than programming for the shot put and discus throw. The javelin throw is a speed and power event with specialized skills, the training plan should enhance the qualities needed to throw far.

Javelin workouts combine elements of the training for shot put and discus throwers plus other exercises that sprinters and jumpers would execute in practice.

It is important to include javelin related drills and skills in all training sessions. 

Javelin throwers must devote most of the training time on speed and explosive qualities and minimal time on maximal strength.

Coaches like to know workouts and how the pieces of the puzzle of an overall training plan fit together.  Within the framework of the overall training plan, daily planning is one critical factor for success. Coaches also need to understand the basics of javelin technique.

Outlined is a typical training session for a javelin thrower during the mid-season which includes, warm ups, javelin throws, javelin drills with medicine balls and sprints.

Mid-Season Javelin Training Example

Day 1: Javelin Throws, Sprints, Circuits, and Explosive Strength

General Warm Up

Daily training in the javelin begins with a light jog, followed up a dynamic warm up, usually about 400 meters of activity. The warm up starts with low intensity flexibility movements, such as a walking quad stretch and advances to more explosive warm up exercises like power skips for height.

Javelin Stretching Warm Up

After the general warm up, the javelin throwers prepare for event specific training on throwing days. Extra flexibility exercises for the shoulders, elbow and torso can be completed with the javelin.

Event Specific Javelin Warm Up

After the general warm up, event specific javelin throwing variations are used to prepare the javelin thrower for the throwing session.

Javelin Specific Throws (1 kilo women) (3 kilo men)

  • Kneeling two handed Javelin style throw x20
  • Arch and Throw (feet together) javelin style throw x20
  • Walking three step javelin throw x10

Javelin Throws

800 gram men/600 gram women

Javelin throwing begins with easy throws either with a medicine ball or small throwing ball, next the the javelin thrower goes up and down the field with walking throws followed by high intensity throws on the runway.

  • Easy throws up and down the field 4 x 75-80 meters
  • Walking three step throw on grass x 8 throws
  • Dynamic three step throw with high right knee drive x 6
  • Dynamic five step throw with high right knee drive x12

Sprint Training

Sprint training on the runway and on the track will be important to develop the speed characteristics needed by the javelin thrower. Proper sprint mechanics are needed even with the javelin in the hand of the thrower.

Sprint Training For The Javelin Thrower

  • 8 x full approach runs
  • 8 x 30 meter sprints from 3 point start

Circuit Training

Dynamic explosive training can be used after the throwing session, such as medicine ball throws and plyometrics, here is an example of a training circuit for javelin throwers after throwing practice:

Throws-Jump Circuit (3 kilo shot women/ 5 kilo shot men)

  • Overhead shot put throws for distance x 10 throws
  • 3 double leg hops in the sand x10
  • Front shot throws for distance x10 throws
  • 3 backward double leg hops in the sand x10

Strength Training

Power Cleans 6x3 (build up to 80%)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4x6 each

Inverted Flys 3x8

Bent Rows 3x8

Sample Off-Season Plan

Day 1

Javelin Throws, Sprints, Circuits, and Explosive Strength

Day 2

General Throws, Javelin Running, and Strength (Power)

Day 3

Specific Throws and Explosive Training (Jumps/Throws)

Day 4

General Fitness Circuits and Recovery Activities

Day 5

Javelin Throws, Sprints, Circuits, and Explosive Strength

Day 6

General Throws, Javelin Running, and Strength (Power)

Day 7

Off or Recovery Activities


Sample In-Season Plan

Day 1

Javelin Throws, Sprints, Circuits, and Explosive Strength

Day 2

General Throws, Javelin Running, and Strength (Power)

Day 3

Easy Javelin Throws and Explosive Training (Jumps/Throws)

Day 4

General Circuits, Javelin Running, and Strength (Light)

Day 5

Meet Preparation (based on individual needs)

Day 6


Day 7

Off or Recovery Activities


Javelin Throw Overview

Javelin throwers need to train as speed and power athletes like throwers, jumpers and sprinters. This type of training is considered higher intensity training, usually matched up with other high intensity training movements during the early and middle part of the season.

Want More? Get the Javelin Throw Ultimate Training 30 Day Course



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